Is Your Wine Vegan?

Is Your Wine Vegan?

A few days ago I would have said of course it is. . . But I would have been wrong. There are some Wines that are Vegan, but to my surprise many Wines have added ingredients which are animal products!

I could not believe that the whole time I’ve been a vegetarian and then a vegan I have been drinking Wine that may have contained or been processed with animal products. I am somewhat amazed by this little know fact. Why on Earth would winemakers use animal products to process Wine? Apparently, winemakers over time have used many different types of animal products to clarify wine and sometimes to improve it’s flavor. Yuck! The clarifying process in winemaking is called the “fining”. Some of the more common animal products used during this process include gelatin, casein, (milk protein), albumin (egg whites) and fish bladders. Fish bladders and gelatin??? I was appalled at this. I could not believe that animal products were part of the winemaking process. Worse than that I looked up one of the Wines I was drinking and found that gelatin, (made from cows) was used in the wine for fining. As I learned more about this I discovered that there are Vegan ways to clarify Wine but these methods are not always used. At that point I was determined to find some good Wines that were not full of animal products..

 About the same time, I met someone online who worked for a company that sells over 60 Vegan Wines. I call that serendipity. And the other good news is that they are Clean Crafted Vegan Wines… More new information !!! I had no idea of the true meaning of Clean Crafted Wines.

Part 2 of my journey to discover Healthier Wine included learning that there are hundreds of chemicals that can be used during the winemaking process as well as added sugar to the final product. “Clean Crafted” means is that their Wines do not have ANY of the hundreds chemicals or sugar that are added to Wines. It also means there are no pesticides or herbicides used in the growing of the grapes. Those are both good things!

I am sure that I’ve been tasting chemicals in the Wines I’ve been drinking. Many people get headaches after drinking Wine and the additional chemicals added to Wines or the poisons used to grow the grapes could be why. I have decided I’m done buying Wines with unknown chemicals and processed in a non vegan way! I’m now only buying high quality healthier Wine. The only company I buy Wine from now is Scout & Cellar.

I’m also getting involved with the company, learning a lot about wine and becoming a Wine Consultant which is really fun. I have a website where you can buy wine and I can help you find one that is right for you. I’ve been tasting these wines and I absolutely love them. I have not tasted them all LOL but the ones I have tasted have had amazing aroma and taste. (NO CHEMICALS) and are very nice. I’m going to be doing some virtual Wine tastings so stay tuned!

Although I was not happy to find out that the Wine I was drinking was not supporting my health or vegan lifestyle. . . I am very excited to find a Healthier alternative. Let me know if you try any of these Wines from Scout & Cellar.. if you click on my website link here I make a little commission which is nice. . . just FYI. I hope you try them and enjoy them as much as I do! There are 60+ Vegan Clean Crafted Wine… Please let me know which ones you like! But from now on be sure that you know if your Wine is Vegan. Hope you’re have a nice day and a nice glass of Vegan Wine 🙂

If you have any questions about the Wines please email me.

Also you can order one bottle of Wine from the website but if you order 6 bottles you get a 5% discount and free shipping. With 12 bottle order you get 10%off and free shipping! There is a Wine Club that is optional but fun because you have one set price and every month you get Wines that are all different prices. Also there are Wines that can be included that are only available to Wine Club members.

There are also cute Gift Sets. I am going to give Vegan Wines as gifts to my friends who want to live a Healthier Lifestyle… And shipping is included with gift sets!

I hope you join me in my Wine Tasting adventure.


Getting older? Learn how to stop waking up each day with aches and pains!

I believe that you can wake up every morning without aches and pains, stiff joints and low energy!

I am currently in my 60’s. I would have to say that as I got older, especially after 50 years old… I started to notice that every morning I woke up stiff and achy. I used to think that was what happened as you age and there was not a whole lot to do about it. And in spite of the fact that I have been doing yoga since I was 17 and have been a vegetarian on and off for most of my Life… This was still happening to me. The good news is that I figured out how to make it stop… and I want to share it with you.

Before I get started let me say that I’m NOT trying to sell you anything. Most of the time when I read this sort of stuff online there’s usually a bottom line that the person wants to sell you something and that’s not what this is about. And, what I’m about to tell you is not “New” news; however, I felt the need to share it with you because it has become extremely obvious that it works. And even though it will take some effort on your part, you really don’t have to buy anything special to make this happen. You just have to make some changes in your life!

I used to say, “I will never be a Vegan!” I used to say, “I’ll become a Vegan if I get really sick and my body needs to heal itself.”

Then one day, about 7 months ago I decided that inflammation was my enemy and I was going to do everything I could to stop it from taking over my body as I got older. Inflammation is responsible for heart disease, arthritis, and many more diseases too numerous to mention. A vegan diet reduces inflammation and can make you feel better. I believe this is true; however, becoming a vegan is not easy. I love cheese so I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it! I tried being a vegan just one week to see if I could do it. After just 1 week I realized that my aches and pains in the morning we’re going away. This of course made me want to do it more and I decided I would do it for a couple months and then get my blood work done to see how everything looked. Then the pandemic happened so I haven’t had my blood work done, but I can tell you that I have more energy everyday and I do not wake up in the mornings anymore with aches pains or stiffness! My knees don’t bother me…my back doesn’t bother me … my neck doesn’t bother me… and my hands aren’t stiff in the morning.

So I woke up this morning and I decided that I’m going to start writing more about this and helping others become vegans if they want to!

If you are serious about feeling better this is something you need to look into! I’m planning to start doing some videos about how to cook like a vegan… And I’m going to start blogging about it more regularly. The reason I woke up today and decided that I needed to do this was that yesterday I decided to eat some pizza and sugary bagel. Not sure why… But it was mostly because I had a busy day. The pizza and sugary bagel became available to me and I thought I would try them and it probably wouldn’t bother me just for one day. I was wrong! Today I woke up with stiff hands and felt achy all over. That’s a lot of proof when it comes right down to it. So if you’re getting older and you wake up in the morning feeling pretty yucky… becoming a vegan maybe something you need to really embrace. I know lots of secrets about how to be a happy vegan. I even know the best vegan cheeses and how to make dishes that make you feel like you’re a person eating normal food! So stay tuned and I will help you turn your life around so that you feel younger every day.

Feel free to email me at and I will try to answer your questions. My Book “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach” is available on Amazon in Paperback or starting at 99 cents on Kindle! My next Book will be called “Becoming a Vegan” “Being happy without cheese!” or something like that! 🙂

Tip #1 I have found several products that I love that help me in my journey. Miyoko’s cultured Vegan Butter is amazing! And I love their soft Mozzarella Cheese. I also love “Field Roast” Chao cheese slices! They are amazing on Beyond Burgers.

Sensuous Essential Oil ~ Lemon

Lemon Essential Oil is amazing.  Without a doubt it will make you more Sensuous! I drink a few drops of Lemon oil in water every day. I love to add a tsp. of tart cherry juice and a bit of stevia along with the Lemon essential oil for a sweet treat… and tart cherry juice is great for your joints.  When you drink Lemon essential oil be sure to use a glass or stainless steel container.  This is because  Lemon oil will dissolve Styrofoam and break down plastic. When you use Lemon essential oil in your diet…the Lemon oil helps you detoxify.  It helps your body get rid of petro chemicals…and who doesn’t need that. I recommend Young Living Oils if you plan to ingest essential oils because of the purity that they bring to the table. You can always email me if you have questions .


For other Sensuous Thoughts and Daily Sensuous Activities… refer to  my Book ” Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach” available from


My websites

Email me if you are interested in coming to  a “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”  all day workshop this summer 2016 on my 100 acres of Woods in Kentucky…

10 Sensuous Things To Do Every Day

Eat beautiful food and drink pure water
Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions  (Are they in line with the person you want to be?)
Stretch and move your body  (Stay in touch with your body’s Inner Wisdom.)
Be aware of the input from your senses
Breathe clean air deeply k
Tell someone you love them
Write something in your journal  (Thoughts, feelings, ideas, hopes and dreams)
Meditate or be still
Express feelings in a healthy way
Stay open and listen to messages from your Inner Wisdom

Sleep Naked

Sleeping Naked can make you more Sexy, Sensuous, and Healthy in several ways. Here are a few of the reasons to peel off your clothes every night before you go to bed. 
~ Your Skin . . .    Your skin will benefit by being exposed to fresh air all night. Since you will be unencumbered by clothing, you will be able to feel the sheets moving over your skin, and this improves your body awareness. As you relax, and get ready to fall asleep, you can give yourself a massage by just running your hands along the curves of your body. Explain to your Lover that you are doing a Sensuous Exercise, and becoming more in touch with your skin. If your skin feels dry, just pull back the covers, and start applying Massage Oil to your dry skin.  Massage Oil should always be within arm’s reach while you are in bed, in case someone needs an emergency massage. Close your eyes, and pay attention to how your skin feels as your apply the massage oil. Imagine that a Sensuous Massage Guy is oiling up your body. . . . You may find that your Lover will enjoy watching you, and may decide to join in.  
~ Your Sensuous Hormones . . . Melatonin and Growth Hormones . . . One of the most important things to remember when you sleep is to “Be Cool” . . . Sleeping in a dark room is essential  for increasing your Sensuous Hormones. Darkness helps your body release Melatonin, which in turn helps your body cool down while you sleep. This is important because . . . keeping your body cool promotes the release of Growth Hormones, which regenerate the body while you sleep.   According to Natasha Turner (author of the best-selling book, “The Hormone Diet”), “As your body temperature drops, Growth Hormones are released, and work their regenerative magic.” The release of these hormones keeps your skin and hair looking healthy, sensuous, and sexy.
~ Fat-Burning Hormones . . . By keeping your body cool while you sleep, you are also helping your body release Fat-Burning Hormones. When your body is cool, you sleep deeper, which in turn decreases your Cortisol level, and increases your Appetite Controlling Hormones.
~  Oxytocin . . . Another great reason to Sleep Naked is skin-to-skin contact. Skin-to-skin contact with your Lover increases Oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. Oxytocin is involved in fighting the harmful effects of cortisol, reduces blood pressure, and increases sexual response and orgasm.  
~ Your Vagina . . .  Sleeping naked lets your private parts breathe.  Okay, so your vagina won’t really be taking deep breaths, but good air flow improves it’s health and well-being.  
~ Your Lover . . .  Most men love the idea of having a naked woman in their bed. If you usually go to bed in some kind of clothing . . . it will be a fun surprise for your Lover. When you decide to Sleep Naked . . . sneak into bed without his knowing what you have planned. I’m sure that you will enjoy his response to discovering a naked woman in his bed. You may find that you spend all night long increasing your Oxytocin.    
