Go out and Pick some Flowers

imageGo outside and pick some Flowers. In many places in the World on this Spring evening…it’s going to freeze . This often kills blooms that are out there blooming  right now. So go pick some Flowers so you can enjoy them longer… It’s usually best if the flowers belong to you… Bring the Flowers indoors and put them in water. Arrange them in one giant container or in lots of little ones.  Have Fun!

My  new Book “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”  is  available on Amazon.com paperback or Kindle




Buy a Green Plant to help you be more Sensuous this Winter!

wpid-imag2657.jpgIt’s 14 inches of snow outside and 21 degrees! And although the snow is beautiful…my living room is green, beautiful and making negative ions to help improve my mood. There is no doubt about the power of plants. The next moment you have an opportunity to buy a plant …do it. Plants are just not that hard to take care of… water them…don’t overwater them…it’s not Rocket Science. It’s also a great time to start new plants for the growing season. So just dust Continue reading