Sexy Essential Oils for Valentines Day!


For Valentine’s Day… I just found out about a new Young Living Essential Oil called “Shutran”.  It is the best Sexy, Sensuous Essential Oil for Men and for the Women who love them. “An empowering Essential Oil Blend specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence, “Shutran”  is perfect for use as a cologne that appeals to both men and women”. *

“Shutran” is the one to have to improve everything in the bedroom. I have read in several places that it enhances male sexual performance…in many ways. It can support healthy testosterone and support healthy hormone production. It can improve feelings of Masculinity and boosts Confidence.  “It encourages partner attraction, and boosts libido”… What’s not to like. There are all sorts of stories about how this oil can spice up your sex life …just Google it.

If you get on it today you could get some for Valentine’s Day.

For Women there are a few great Essential Oils that can spice up your Love Life too. “Sensation Massage Oil” has a beautiful fragrance that stimulates Romantic feelings. It can be used as a Lubricant too! And if your Lover buys this for you and gives you a full body massage there’s no doubt what he will be getting for Valentine’s Day.

Other wonderful, Sexy, Sensuous Oils for Women include Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Joy… These oils are well known for their Sensuous, and Sexy contributions to Romance.

You can still get these for Valentine’s Day if you jump on it and pick overnight or 2nd day delivery…

You can find all of these items on My Website  and sign up with me. You can buy retail or…You can get 24% off all orders forever if you buy a Premium Starter Kit which is on sale this month too.  Your Valentine would love one of those Kits too. They include a really cool Diffuser which is very Romantic!

If you go to you can use my ID # 3056729

And if you have any questions email me at

Happy Valentine’s Day !!!


What is a Sensuous Life Coach?

What Is A Sensuous Life Coach?
~  A guide to help you get in touch with your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self
~  A partner in discovering, defining, and creating the life you want
~  A personal trainer to help you achieve your goals    

 Being your own Sensuous Life Coach means that you work toward discovering, defining, and creating the life that you want. You do this by listening to your Inner Wisdom, and doing what she says. First let’s define the words Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self.          

Inner Wisdom …    

Your Inner Wisdom can be defined in many ways. It’s often called that“still small voice” . . . but I think of it as a quiet, and confident voice that is inside . . . that suggests that you might want to exercise . . . or perhaps it’s that part of you that makes good choices to help you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. You define what Inner Wisdom means to you. Your Inner Wisdom could be called, at least in part, your Inner Life Coach. Pay attention to messages from your Inner Life Coach if you want to make changes in your life. You can look at this part of yourself in any way that you want, but it is the Best Version of You.        

Sensuous Self . . .
Connecting to your senses with Awareness is what the Sensuous Self is all about. Your Sensuous Self is the sensitive, passionate person that you are underneath it all. . . . Paying attention to the input from your senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, hunger, thirst, balance, and pain is what keeps you in touch with your Sensuous Self.     Think about the excitement that young children have when seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling something new. They seem to use their whole body, and all of their senses to experience life. We used to do that too!     You can reconnect with your ability to experience the world around you by becoming aware of the input from your senses. Your  brain processes all of the input from your senses. Increased awareness of your senses can be the fuel you need to fire up your passion. This increased awareness can be learned, or more correctly, you can remember it. Learning to reconnect with your Sensuous Self is an important part of becoming the passionate, sexy, sensuous person that you want to be.    

This is the beginning of my soon to be published book…within the next month!
I sent this to a few magazine editors because I’d like to start writing a column again… 
If you know any editors, please share this post…

Peggy Durham  
My bio may be found on my Website:
Email :


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Sleep Naked

Sleeping Naked can make you more Sexy, Sensuous, and Healthy in several ways. Here are a few of the reasons to peel off your clothes every night before you go to bed. 
~ Your Skin . . .    Your skin will benefit by being exposed to fresh air all night. Since you will be unencumbered by clothing, you will be able to feel the sheets moving over your skin, and this improves your body awareness. As you relax, and get ready to fall asleep, you can give yourself a massage by just running your hands along the curves of your body. Explain to your Lover that you are doing a Sensuous Exercise, and becoming more in touch with your skin. If your skin feels dry, just pull back the covers, and start applying Massage Oil to your dry skin.  Massage Oil should always be within arm’s reach while you are in bed, in case someone needs an emergency massage. Close your eyes, and pay attention to how your skin feels as your apply the massage oil. Imagine that a Sensuous Massage Guy is oiling up your body. . . . You may find that your Lover will enjoy watching you, and may decide to join in.  
~ Your Sensuous Hormones . . . Melatonin and Growth Hormones . . . One of the most important things to remember when you sleep is to “Be Cool” . . . Sleeping in a dark room is essential  for increasing your Sensuous Hormones. Darkness helps your body release Melatonin, which in turn helps your body cool down while you sleep. This is important because . . . keeping your body cool promotes the release of Growth Hormones, which regenerate the body while you sleep.   According to Natasha Turner (author of the best-selling book, “The Hormone Diet”), “As your body temperature drops, Growth Hormones are released, and work their regenerative magic.” The release of these hormones keeps your skin and hair looking healthy, sensuous, and sexy.
~ Fat-Burning Hormones . . . By keeping your body cool while you sleep, you are also helping your body release Fat-Burning Hormones. When your body is cool, you sleep deeper, which in turn decreases your Cortisol level, and increases your Appetite Controlling Hormones.
~  Oxytocin . . . Another great reason to Sleep Naked is skin-to-skin contact. Skin-to-skin contact with your Lover increases Oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. Oxytocin is involved in fighting the harmful effects of cortisol, reduces blood pressure, and increases sexual response and orgasm.  
~ Your Vagina . . .  Sleeping naked lets your private parts breathe.  Okay, so your vagina won’t really be taking deep breaths, but good air flow improves it’s health and well-being.  
~ Your Lover . . .  Most men love the idea of having a naked woman in their bed. If you usually go to bed in some kind of clothing . . . it will be a fun surprise for your Lover. When you decide to Sleep Naked . . . sneak into bed without his knowing what you have planned. I’m sure that you will enjoy his response to discovering a naked woman in his bed. You may find that you spend all night long increasing your Oxytocin.    


Go out in the Rain and get Wet!

wpid-Rain.jpgGo out in the Rain and get Wet! On a warm Summer night, when it’s Raining … figure out a way to get out in Rain as naked as possible. It’s especially fun if you do this when it is Raining very hard. So the next time you hear a hard Rain, run outside so you don’t miss it. (Don’t go out in a thunder and lightning storm …of course.) Once you are outside remove all remaining clothes…if possible Then, as you are standing in Nature’s Shower run your hands all over your body to enjoy how silky your skin feels covered in raindrops. After the hard Rain slows down, find a comfortable place to sit. Spend some time becoming aware of how Nature enjoys the Rain. Notice how the rain drops hit the petals of a flower or fall onto leaves and gently masssages them. Breathe in the cooler, cleaner air and feel the overall “vibe” that surrounds you. . You can almost see the plants growing as the rain washes over them. You may notice that Colors are brighter and more vibrant. When the Rain stops you may become aware of  how calm and peaceful it feels. The world seems more relaxed and pure. It’s as if the plants and flowers are relaxing after their wild Sensuous experience with the Rain. When you are finished with your wild naked experience with the Rain, run into the house and turn on a Hot Shower. Climb into the shower as soon as it’s warm or for a different Sensuous experience just get into it when you first turn it on… As the shower washes over you can feel the heat of it pouring into your body. Use your favorite body products that are fragrant with natural flower essences. Stay as long as you like enjoying your shower, then wrap yourself up in a big fluffy towel or robe. Have a hot cup of tea and sit in a Sensuous Space and make a few notes in  your journal about your Sensuous Experience. You may also want to make a note of any messages that you may have recieved from your Inner Wisdom. Be sure to take advantage of hard Rain whenever you can to enjoy another Sensuous Experience with Nature.

Until next time,

Splendiferous Doses of Happiness also wrote about Playing in the Rain

Motivate Yourself with a “Fridge Checklist”

    I have always created lists on paper of things that I want to accomplish. Of course, I make these lists so that I will work on my goals and reach them… And then, sometime later, when I find the lists, I discover that I have worked on some of the items, but not all of them. I am not perfect and at times not very organized when it comes to reaching some of my goals.  😉  This is especially true of things that I want to do everyday to make me a Sexy, Sensuous, Healthy Woman. That is why I started my “Fridge Checklist”. A Fridge Checklist works really well…as long as I remember to put a new one up on your Fridge every week.
This is how it works… Create a list of the things that you want to focus on in your Journey toward becoming a Sexy, Sensuous, Healthy Person. Begin with at least three goals. Imagine the things that you would do every day (if you had unlimited time and energy) that would help you become the Sensuous, Sexy, Healthy Person you always wanted to be.  Make sure that your list includes goals for all three categories – Sensuous, Sexy, and Healthy.  Put these goals into a weekly chart, with goals down one side, and the days of the week across the top.  Then draw lines to make boxes. Make your own list that reflects what is important to you.  Start slowly, with just three goals . . . adding more as you go.  Put the list on your Fridge.  Seeing the list on your Fridge will help remind you to do these things every day, and that will help you reach your long-term goals.  Make a check mark each time you finish a goal.  Each check mark that you add to the checklist will get you closer to becoming the Sensuous, Sexy, Healthy Person that you want to be. You don’t have to be perfect.  Just try to get as many checks as you can each week.  You will feel good when you look at all of the checks and know that you becoming “The Person you Want to be” more and more each day. You can add any kind of goal on your Fridge Checklist. I sometimes put long term life goals on this list as a way to remind myself of them on a daily basis.
Here are a few examples of things to put on your Fridge Checklist…  Eat lots of Fruit and Veggies … Walk, Swim, Run, or Ride a Bike 30 min… Have Sex, or Think, Read, or Write about it… Spend time in Nature, Breathe, or do Yoga. The possibilities are endless!   Motivate Yourself with “Fridge  Checklist”.

Vibrate with the Universe … Make Noise !

When you are having fun… make noise! I’m thinking of Sex and Massage as I write this because for most people noise is a natural part of expressing Sensuous and Sexual activites. The next time that you are having Sex or getting a Massage be sure to take deep breaths and let Sound happen. You may notice that you find yourself trying to control the sound or judge it. This reduces your connection to your Sensuous Self. So… Stop controlling…stop judging… Instead just feel what is going on and let the sound come out as nature intended… Ask your Lover or Massage Person how they feel about someone being noisy or loud.  In most cases I’m sure you will find that being noisy is good and preferred. It lets the other person know what you like, and what you don’t like. Feedback In the form of unsensored expression of sound is an excellent way to ask for what you want and need without saying a word. A person really enjoying themself makes Noise. I also find myself being Noisy when I eat a Sensuous meal. Some meals are just Orgasmic. If you don’t know what I mean… you will when you read my book or a future blog! There are many pleasurable activities that just make you want to let sound out. After a cold swim in a pool or a day of skiing , a hot shower can make you want to moan…so do it. Start to become aware when you censor yourself as it relates to sound.  Of course there are some occasions when you do need to hold back… and that’s understandable.  But for the most part it’s important to let sound out of your body. The vibrations of Sound can be very energizing and healing. So be Noisy whenever you can.

  Singing is also a wonderful way to be Noisy. Sing everyday. My Lover walks around the house making up songs. If you have that talent…use it. If you are shy like me, about singing, do it in the shower, in your car, at home with the stereo playing loudly… or with friends if you are feeling brave.

If singing is not your thing, you could try Chanting. Chanting is amazing with a large group of people or just by yourself. OM is the sound that the Universe vibrates to… So chant it at least 3 times or as often as you wish. To chant OM  take a deep breath and and say Ohhhhhh for most of the breath and them Mmmmm for the ending. The deeper you breathe, the longer you can stretch it out. Breathe deeply again and repeat Ohhhhhh then Mmmmmm. Do this as long as you like and remember that you are vibrating to the sound of the Universe. This is very calming and even more mystical when done with a group of people. You can feel the vibration in the air that surrounds you. The next time you are with a group of friends ask them if they’d like to try to chant the sound the Universe vibrates to… Ok they may think that you are wierd but it is an easy way to see who needs help being Noisy or getting in touch with their Sensuous Self. 😉  You could also share this concept with them and help them get healthier by freeing the Noise that may be stuck inside of them.

To improve your connection to your Sensuous Self, use Sound to connect to your world whenever possible.  And whenever you feel disconnected from the Universe take a deep breath and Ommmmm.

Until next time,

Get in touch with your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self