I learned how to Drum and Sing at Omega ~ “Goddesses Gone Wild” with Sierra Bender

20160807_085801.jpgI learned how to Drum and Sing at Omega Institute, and I met over 20 Goddess who were looking for more ways to get in touch with their Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self! The Workshop was very Physical, Spiritual, and Sensuous. It included many of my interests including Dancing, Yoga, Essential Oils, being out in Nature, connecting with other Goddesses . . . and having Fun!  I also met one really nice guy who wanted to be in our Goddess Workshop, and was invited by Sierra to join our morning Circle. He and several other beautiful spirits stopped by to join our Drumming Circle as well, and others sat nearby and listened.  Drumming and Singing was an amazing way to start each day. Sierra’s voice was Strong, Passionate, and Inspiring.  She was our leader and role model. I learned how to Drum and Sing with Passion. We all evolved toward feeling more free to show passion with each passing day … which was very appropriate for the “Goddesses Gone Wild” Workshop.

Morning hikes were very physical, and definitely helped cardio. But, I only went on one hike, due to a previous knee issue. I decided I’d rather go for a walk in the morning, so I could do the morning Yoga workout and participate in the afternoon dancing for hours. 😉

We did a Vision Quest . . .a short one, but still very powerful. We enjoyed silent time alone in the Forest for several hours. It increased my awareness of the 100 acres of woods that I call home.  I need to remember that the Woods are sacred, and I need to celebrate it by doing my Sensuous Women Workshops there.  I also want to have more Vision Quests on my own, and learn more about them. I believe that the more we can be out in Nature and feel connected to Mother Nature . . . the better.

The dancing parts of the Workshops were energetic Fun. We got to Dance with several Drummers, and an enthusiastic Journey Dance Instructor Toni Bergins . The dancing was wild and passionate. During  the next afternoon workshop, we had a Sensuous Dance Instructor Lisa Zarowitz , show us how to get in touch with our Inner Sensuous,Sexy Dancer. The Music was excellent, and the Dance moves were Fun, Funny, Sexy, and Sensuous!

During our time at the Workshop, there was a full moon, and several of us Goddesses decided to go see the moon come up over the Lake. We had a Bonfire, and Sang and Drummed and Howled at the Moon. It was a memorable experience!


It was also nice just being at Omega Institute, and enjoying the like-minded people all around. It was a luxury having someone else create Vegetarian Meals for 6 days. The café with a deck overlooking the garden was a lovely place to hang out with friends, and eat something decadent, like chocolate chip cookies or sweet potato fries. The Lake was beautiful and peaceful, and I enjoyed kayaking one morning and singing songs I learned during the morning circle.  Aromatherapy is one of my latest passions, and it was great fun having a portion of one of the days dedicated to Essential Oils.  I believe that they are absolutely Essential for creating amazing wellness in Body, Mind, and Spirit!  One of the most bonding experiences was the Fire Ceremony on the last night. We told stories and shared thoughts and feelings. We made affirmations about many different parts of our Lives, and we Sang and Drummed. I left Omega the next day with a refreshed Spirit and with new thoughts and ideas related to my own Workshops for Sensuous Women. I also had a plan to Sing and Drum every day! And stay in touch with the wonderful Goddesses I met along the way.

Thanks, Sierra, for teaching me how to Drum and Sing . . . and for being a teacher of Women . . . helping them become “The Person They Want to Be”.

You inspired me!

I highly recommend this Workshop, “Goddesses Gone Wild ” TM  with Sierra Bender. Author of Goddess to the Core R, creator of Retreats, Boot Camp for Goddesses R, Goddess in the Bedroom R, Goddess Up! R, Goddesses Gone Wild TM, and the Sierra Bender Empowerment Method.




Author of “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”

The Magic of Nature ~Essential Oils



The Magic of Nature

I have always believed that Nature provides us with everything that we need to be Healthy, Happy, and Sensuous.  Recently, I became aware of a new way to get more in touch with Nature, and my Sensuous Self . . . Essential Oils.  Essential Oils are highly-concentrated essences from plants that make a plant magical.  They are derived from trees, flowers, herbs, grasses, and resins, using low pressure distillation or cold pressing.  Essential oils are compounds within the plants that are the plants’ natural defense mechanisms.  They help protect the plant.  These compounds are beneficial, and can be used to help us in similar ways.

“Stress Away” got me started.  A friend of mine gave me a drop of “Stress Away.”  I put the drop in my hand, then rubbed my hands together, cupped my hands over my face, and inhaled.  As a psychiatric RN, working night shift in a stressful environment, I discovered that just inhaling the “Stress Away” made me feel more relaxed.  “Stress Away” is a blend of essential oils created by Young Living that includes Vanilla, Lime, Copaiba, Cedarwood, Ocotea, and Lavender. . . .  I love this Essential Oil so much that I’m getting a “Stress Away” Rollerball for several people on my gift-giving list this year!

Here are a few of my Favorites:

Frankincense Oil . . .  I love what it does for my complexion, and how it makes me feel more serene and connected to my Inner Wisdom.  I put a drop in my hand, rub my hands together, and then press them against my face as I inhale.

Lemon Oil . . . Lemon oil is energizing and cleansing.  I enjoy putting a drop or two of real lemon or orange oil in a glass of water every day.  I use a few drops of Stevia to sweeten it.

Lavender . . . I made a Lavender Spray by adding 5 drops of real Lavender Oil in a 3 oz. spray bottle filled with water.  Spraying real Lavender water on my pillow helps me sleep more peacefully and awaken with more energy.

“Thieves” Blend . . . I consider “Thieves” Essential Oil… essential for me to use while I’m at work.  I put a few drops into my Diffuser and it clears the air without having to resort to harsh chemical sprays.  “Thieves” also supports Healthy Immune Function, and helps me feel more relaxed and grounded.  The “Thieves” Blend was designed by Gary Young, YoungLiving.com , and was inspired by a Legend of Four 15th Century Thieves, who used aromatic herbs to keep them healthy, while they were robbing the dead and dying.

What can I say? . . . I ended up buying the Premium Starter Kit which gives me a 24% discount. . . .  This is very helpful, because I keep finding new Essential Oils to Love.

Why I Chose Young Living Essential Oils . . .

Young Living has been in business for over 20 years, and offers the “Seed to Seal” Promise for their Oils. This means that they are in charge of each step of production, beginning with choosing the Seeds and continuing on until each bottle is Sealed.  Young Living’s Farms and Partner Farms are Organic, Sustainable, and Beneficial to the Environment, as well as the People who work with them, and the surrounding areas.

Those are all great reasons to Love this Company!  But, the main reason I love Young Living is that their Essential Oils are 100% High-Quality, Pure, and Therapeutic. These Pure, Therapeutic Essential Oils can be used aromatically, topically, and internally as a dietary supplement.

I never really meant to sell the products when I signed up.  But, whenever I have my Diffuser running at work, everyone wants to know what’s in it, and then, one thing leads to another.

You can find more information about Young Living Products on the website, YoungLiving.com.  I also would encourage you to do your own research to understand more about the many ways Essential Oils can be used to promote a Healthy Lifestyle.

If you know someone who sells Young Living Essential Oils – Great!  If not, you can use my number to order products from YoungLiving.com. #3056729

Enjoy the Magic of Nature that is found in Essential Oils to help you become the Sensuous, Sexy, Healthy and Happy Person you want to be!

Peggy Durham


Enroller/Sponsor ID # 3056729

You can also email me if you have any questions.



If you would like to learn more ways to get in touch with the Sensuous, Healthy, Vibrant Person inside of you, my Book, “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach,” is available on Amazon.com.

To be put on my mailing List for updates about new Books, Workshops, Book Signings, and Book Giveaways. . . . Checkout my email sign up form on my Facebook Page, Like my Facebook Page, below, and opt-in email.

Sensuous Gardening Get Dirty


Playing in the dirt has more benefits than we ever realized.  Over the years we have heard about many ways to increase the “feel good” chemicals in our brains by doing things like eating Dark Chocolate, and doing Yoga or Running.  But now, Gardening has been shown to be an excellent way to improve our Brain Chemistry,Immune System function, and even the way our brains work.   So, what is it about Gardening that helps us in so many ways?  The secret is in the Dirt . . . it’s Magical!
For those of us who are Gardeners, we have always known that Gardening helped us feel good.  But, now there are even more reasons to add Gardening to your Life.   As a Society, we are cleaner than ever with antibacterial soaps and products everywhere we go.  Some of these chemicals can disrupt our endocrine systems.  So, as it turns out, we need to be a little dirtier to be healthy.   This is where Gardening comes in.  When you get your hands into rich, organic soil, you are giving your Body and Mind something essential.  Soil is full of all kinds of microorganisms that we need to be happier and healthier.  Apparently, there are microorganisms in soil that can trigger the release of Serotonin, the “feel good” chemical in the Brain, which is a natural anti-depressant.   There are lots of healthy bacteria that live naturally in the soil.  In fact, a particular strain, named mycobacterium vaccae, has been studied quite a bit. This particular bacterium has been shown to improve Immune Function, increase Serotonin production, and also increase the neuron firing process in the Brain that relates to alertness.
Apparently all of our childhood play, like making mud pies, playing with Tonka trucks in the dirt, rolling around in the dirt, or even playing in a Fairy Garden, had a purpose.   So, get Dirty any way you can.  Find some Heathy, Organic Soil, and go for it.  Getting Dirty will not only improve your overall mood, but it will also help you become more in touch with your Sensuous Self.   Getting in touch with Nature is a vital part of nurturing your Creative, Sensuous Self, as well as helping your overall Mental and Physical Health.
So, no excuses. . . . You can garden anywhere.  You can garden in your yard, in a container on your patio, or even inside your home in a south-facing, sunny window.  Grow something you love.  Start from seeds, or just buy a plant and transplant it into a larger container.  Basil, Impatience, and Lettuce are easy to grow, and can be grown inside or out.  A patio tomato is also nice to have in the summer.  I really like growing cherry tomatoes for salads.
The act of picking veggies, herbs, and flowers is also beneficial to our mental health, because it connects us to our primitive, passionate Nature, and naturally increases Dopamine in the Brain. . . . another “feel good” chemical.   So, be sure to remember . . . Get Dirty. . . . It will make you happy, and increase your connection to the Sensuous, Sexy, Vibrant Person inside of you!  Play in the dirt with your children to help them appreciate Nature, and understand our connection to the Natural World.  And most of all . . . Have Fun!

Peggy Durham   Peggy@SensuousLifeCoach.com
Author of “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”  Link to Book on Amazon.com

Get in touch with the Sensuous, Sexy, Vibrant Woman inside of You!  Learn how to be more Sensuous and Passionate in everything you do.
There is something for everyone in this book.  It’s written for Women, and for Men who want to understand how Women think.
Whether you are Single, have a Lover, are in a Relationship, or want to reconnect with Sensuous, Sexy, Younger You . . . you will find Creative, Playful, Sensuous Experiences in this book that will bring Passion to every moment of your Life.
Each page is a new Thought, Idea, or Sensuous Experience to help you become the Sensuous, Sexy, Happy, and Healthy Person that you’ve always wanted to be.