Vibrate with the Universe … Make Noise !

When you are having fun… make noise! I’m thinking of Sex and Massage as I write this because for most people noise is a natural part of expressing Sensuous and Sexual activites. The next time that you are having Sex or getting a Massage be sure to take deep breaths and let Sound happen. You may notice that you find yourself trying to control the sound or judge it. This reduces your connection to your Sensuous Self. So… Stop controlling…stop judging… Instead just feel what is going on and let the sound come out as nature intended… Ask your Lover or Massage Person how they feel about someone being noisy or loud.  In most cases I’m sure you will find that being noisy is good and preferred. It lets the other person know what you like, and what you don’t like. Feedback In the form of unsensored expression of sound is an excellent way to ask for what you want and need without saying a word. A person really enjoying themself makes Noise. I also find myself being Noisy when I eat a Sensuous meal. Some meals are just Orgasmic. If you don’t know what I mean… you will when you read my book or a future blog! There are many pleasurable activities that just make you want to let sound out. After a cold swim in a pool or a day of skiing , a hot shower can make you want to moan…so do it. Start to become aware when you censor yourself as it relates to sound.  Of course there are some occasions when you do need to hold back… and that’s understandable.  But for the most part it’s important to let sound out of your body. The vibrations of Sound can be very energizing and healing. So be Noisy whenever you can.

  Singing is also a wonderful way to be Noisy. Sing everyday. My Lover walks around the house making up songs. If you have that talent…use it. If you are shy like me, about singing, do it in the shower, in your car, at home with the stereo playing loudly… or with friends if you are feeling brave.

If singing is not your thing, you could try Chanting. Chanting is amazing with a large group of people or just by yourself. OM is the sound that the Universe vibrates to… So chant it at least 3 times or as often as you wish. To chant OM  take a deep breath and and say Ohhhhhh for most of the breath and them Mmmmm for the ending. The deeper you breathe, the longer you can stretch it out. Breathe deeply again and repeat Ohhhhhh then Mmmmmm. Do this as long as you like and remember that you are vibrating to the sound of the Universe. This is very calming and even more mystical when done with a group of people. You can feel the vibration in the air that surrounds you. The next time you are with a group of friends ask them if they’d like to try to chant the sound the Universe vibrates to… Ok they may think that you are wierd but it is an easy way to see who needs help being Noisy or getting in touch with their Sensuous Self. 😉  You could also share this concept with them and help them get healthier by freeing the Noise that may be stuck inside of them.

To improve your connection to your Sensuous Self, use Sound to connect to your world whenever possible.  And whenever you feel disconnected from the Universe take a deep breath and Ommmmm.

Until next time,

Get in touch with your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self