Sexy Essential Oils for Valentines Day!


For Valentine’s Day… I just found out about a new Young Living Essential Oil called “Shutran”.  It is the best Sexy, Sensuous Essential Oil for Men and for the Women who love them. “An empowering Essential Oil Blend specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence, “Shutran”  is perfect for use as a cologne that appeals to both men and women”. *

“Shutran” is the one to have to improve everything in the bedroom. I have read in several places that it enhances male sexual performance…in many ways. It can support healthy testosterone and support healthy hormone production. It can improve feelings of Masculinity and boosts Confidence.  “It encourages partner attraction, and boosts libido”… What’s not to like. There are all sorts of stories about how this oil can spice up your sex life …just Google it.

If you get on it today you could get some for Valentine’s Day.

For Women there are a few great Essential Oils that can spice up your Love Life too. “Sensation Massage Oil” has a beautiful fragrance that stimulates Romantic feelings. It can be used as a Lubricant too! And if your Lover buys this for you and gives you a full body massage there’s no doubt what he will be getting for Valentine’s Day.

Other wonderful, Sexy, Sensuous Oils for Women include Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Joy… These oils are well known for their Sensuous, and Sexy contributions to Romance.

You can still get these for Valentine’s Day if you jump on it and pick overnight or 2nd day delivery…

You can find all of these items on My Website  and sign up with me. You can buy retail or…You can get 24% off all orders forever if you buy a Premium Starter Kit which is on sale this month too.  Your Valentine would love one of those Kits too. They include a really cool Diffuser which is very Romantic!

If you go to you can use my ID # 3056729

And if you have any questions email me at

Happy Valentine’s Day !!!


Sensuous Magical Essential Oils…

frankincense-compliant-micro (2)Recently I was introduced to Essential Oils and have been having lots of fun using them. They smell wonderful and also improve my connection to my Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self. So what are Essential Oils and what do you do with them?


Essential oils have also been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to a total mind/body wellness they may never have dreamed possible. Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted.

Any time you hold a bottle of our powerful essential oils, you are holding the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals that can be diffused, inhaled, applied topically, incorporated into massage, or taken internally to:

~ Inspire a Positive Emotional State

Love the way the spritz of fragrance from a fresh orange peel can brighten your day? Each essential oil’s complex, pleasant, and unique scent activates the limbic system—the brain’s center of emotion and memory—differently. Essential oils can be your key to a more fulfilling and balanced emotional life.

To help you rediscover peace, balance, and joy, use these essential oils and blends for diffusion, soothing baths, massage, inhalation, or topical application:

Peace & Calming™

~ Enhance Your Physical Wellness

Modern lifestyles don’t always create optimal conditions for physical wellness. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and an overabundance of environmental toxins can leave the body unbalanced and diminish energy levels. From cleansing and weight management to supporting every system of the body, essential oils and essential oil-infused supplements can provide the targeted solutions you need to restore balance and feel your best.

Feel vital every day with the whole food-based nutrients, powerful antioxidants, and pure essential oils found in these products:

NingXia Red™
Life 5™
Slique™ Tea

~ Purify your home

Harsh chemical formulas aren’t your only home cleansing option. Enjoy peace of mind without compromise when you polish countertops, clean sticky messes, and cleanse dirty surfaces with the gentle but effective power of essential oils and our Thieves® line of products.

Thieves® Household Cleaner
Lemon essential oil
Thyme essential oil
Purification™ essential oil blend
Lemongrass essential oil

~ Refine your skin

Purge chemicals from your beauty routine and rediscover your natural glow. An ancient skin care secret, essential oils can help promote a clear-looking complexion, soften the appearance of signs of aging, and nurture healthy-looking hair. Using only natural ingredients, these advanced skin and hair care solutions make it easy to enjoy the beautiful benefits of essential oils every day.

ART® Renewal Serum
Lavender Volume Shampoo and Conditioner
Copaiba Vanilla Shampoo and Conditioner
Boswellia Wrinkle Cream
Lavender essential oil
Frankincense essential oil

~ Create deep spiritual awareness

Incense and essential oils from plants have always played an important part in religious and spiritual ceremonies, helping participants to transcend the trivial and connect with something larger than themselves. Research shows that the pure constituents in these oils stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind. To enhance your spiritual practice, dilute and apply meditative, empowering essential oils directly to wrists, feet, and behind the ears, or diffuse in a quiet space. Popular essential oils and blends for spiritual focus include:

Sacred Frankincense
White Angelica™
Egyptian Gold™
The Gift™

A friend let me try several of the oils and I enjoyed them  so much that I bought a Premium Starter Kit that included 11 different oils, Ninja Red samples, a really nice Diffuser and information to start your business.  I will be your Sponsor and also help you!

Click here to see Premium Starter Kit!

My overall Favorite Essential Oil so far is Frankincense

I use it to prevent wrinkles… Put a drop in the palm of your hand and then rub hands together in a counter clockwise circle and then press your hands into your face.

It smells really nice and is somehow intoxicating. I have read that Frankincense helps with meditation and connecting to your Inner Wisdom. I would have to agree that it is spiritually uplifting. It was once more valuable than gold and has been called “The Wise Man’s Cure”

I loved it so much that I ran out of it before I realized that it was gone. It really does last a long time if you use it wisely and don’t give too much of it away. lol  I’m getting ready to order more.


Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) includes the naturally occurring constituent boswellic acid, and has a woodsy, warm, balsamic aroma. Diffuse Frankincense during meditation for grounding and purpose. Applying this oil topically may help smooth the appearance of healthy-looking skin, and is excellent to use for massage after activity.

  • Inhale frankincense essential oil after lunch to spiritually refocus.
  • Rub frankincense essential oil on the bottom of your feet to help alleviate nervous energy.

I love so many of the oils that I am now selling them. When you buy a Premium Starter Kit you can then sell any of the products and get a 24% discount. I do that so that I can buy even more of the Essential oils.I feel that Essential Oils are very Sensuous and they have become an additional way to stay in touch with Your Senuous Self.

Peggy Durham  Sensuous Life Coach

If you want to get into Essential oils you can check them out at one of the links above for and if you buy them please use my Enroller/Sponsor ID # 3056729 or email me at

If you would like to learn more ways to get in touch with the Sensuous, Healthy, Vibrant Person inside of you. Check out my Book, “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach,”  on

And don’t forget my Book is on sale for the Holidays  $9.99

To be put on my mailing List for updates about new Books, Workshops, Book Signings, and Book Giveaways. . . . Checkout my email sign up form on my Facebook Page, Like my Facebook Page, below, and opt-in email

Famous and Almost Famous Quotes

 “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Visualize your Goal or Dream as a reality … You have to be able to see it…  to make it happen.”

– Peggy Durham
      Sensuous Life Coach  ” Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”  (the Book) 2014

Go out in the Rain and get Wet!

wpid-Rain.jpgGo out in the Rain and get Wet! On a warm Summer night, when it’s Raining … figure out a way to get out in Rain as naked as possible. It’s especially fun if you do this when it is Raining very hard. So the next time you hear a hard Rain, run outside so you don’t miss it. (Don’t go out in a thunder and lightning storm …of course.) Once you are outside remove all remaining clothes…if possible Then, as you are standing in Nature’s Shower run your hands all over your body to enjoy how silky your skin feels covered in raindrops. After the hard Rain slows down, find a comfortable place to sit. Spend some time becoming aware of how Nature enjoys the Rain. Notice how the rain drops hit the petals of a flower or fall onto leaves and gently masssages them. Breathe in the cooler, cleaner air and feel the overall “vibe” that surrounds you. . You can almost see the plants growing as the rain washes over them. You may notice that Colors are brighter and more vibrant. When the Rain stops you may become aware of  how calm and peaceful it feels. The world seems more relaxed and pure. It’s as if the plants and flowers are relaxing after their wild Sensuous experience with the Rain. When you are finished with your wild naked experience with the Rain, run into the house and turn on a Hot Shower. Climb into the shower as soon as it’s warm or for a different Sensuous experience just get into it when you first turn it on… As the shower washes over you can feel the heat of it pouring into your body. Use your favorite body products that are fragrant with natural flower essences. Stay as long as you like enjoying your shower, then wrap yourself up in a big fluffy towel or robe. Have a hot cup of tea and sit in a Sensuous Space and make a few notes in  your journal about your Sensuous Experience. You may also want to make a note of any messages that you may have recieved from your Inner Wisdom. Be sure to take advantage of hard Rain whenever you can to enjoy another Sensuous Experience with Nature.

Until next time,

Splendiferous Doses of Happiness also wrote about Playing in the Rain

“5 Minute Yoga”

The next time you think “I need to do Yoga”… Just do it. No matter where you are or what you are doing, chances are you could fit in this “5 minute Yoga” Routine. You can do it at work, while you are cooking or even while standing in line at the grocery 😉   And those 5 minutes of Yoga add up. If you can do  5 minutes of Yoga a day for a Year that’s 30 hours of Yoga each year … your body will notice. Just the act of doing Yoga increases your Body Awareness and tends to motivate you to pay attention to your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self. So find 5 minutes today for Yoga and share this idea with friends to help them become healthier and happier too! Standing Yoga Stretch This is a fun stretch that can be done almost anywhere.  Stand up and give yourself an arm’s length on either side of you.  Begin by rolling your shoulders forward 6 times, and then backwards 6 times.  Next, let your head drop forward, and then to the right, to the back, and to the left.  Then, repeat 2 more times. The Half Moon Series Intertwine your fingers, and stretch your arms towards the ceiling as you inhale.  Exhale as you stretch to your right, Inhale up, exhale to the left, Inhale up, exhale stretch to the back (tighten your butt), inhale again as you stretch up, and then exhale , bending forward and  stretching your fingertips towards your toes. Standing Spinal Twist As you come up, bring your arms straight out to the side at shoulder level, palms down. Keeping your arms at shoulder level, bring your right arm around to the front, and the left arm to the back. While keeping both arms outstretched… look at your hand in front of you for 5 seconds and then look at your hand behind you for 5 seconds. Then move your arms into the opposite position with your left arm to the front and your right to the back. Repeat the process of gazing at each hand.  Repeat 6 shoulder rolls, forward and back, neck stretches in 4 positions, three times, and then the Half Moon series again, followed by the standing spinal twist.  Repeat a third time, and you have completed your 5-minute Yoga that can be done whenever you have 5 minutes. This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, “Be Your Own Sensuous Life Coach”      

Motivate Yourself with a “Fridge Checklist”

    I have always created lists on paper of things that I want to accomplish. Of course, I make these lists so that I will work on my goals and reach them… And then, sometime later, when I find the lists, I discover that I have worked on some of the items, but not all of them. I am not perfect and at times not very organized when it comes to reaching some of my goals.  😉  This is especially true of things that I want to do everyday to make me a Sexy, Sensuous, Healthy Woman. That is why I started my “Fridge Checklist”. A Fridge Checklist works really well…as long as I remember to put a new one up on your Fridge every week.
This is how it works… Create a list of the things that you want to focus on in your Journey toward becoming a Sexy, Sensuous, Healthy Person. Begin with at least three goals. Imagine the things that you would do every day (if you had unlimited time and energy) that would help you become the Sensuous, Sexy, Healthy Person you always wanted to be.  Make sure that your list includes goals for all three categories – Sensuous, Sexy, and Healthy.  Put these goals into a weekly chart, with goals down one side, and the days of the week across the top.  Then draw lines to make boxes. Make your own list that reflects what is important to you.  Start slowly, with just three goals . . . adding more as you go.  Put the list on your Fridge.  Seeing the list on your Fridge will help remind you to do these things every day, and that will help you reach your long-term goals.  Make a check mark each time you finish a goal.  Each check mark that you add to the checklist will get you closer to becoming the Sensuous, Sexy, Healthy Person that you want to be. You don’t have to be perfect.  Just try to get as many checks as you can each week.  You will feel good when you look at all of the checks and know that you becoming “The Person you Want to be” more and more each day. You can add any kind of goal on your Fridge Checklist. I sometimes put long term life goals on this list as a way to remind myself of them on a daily basis.
Here are a few examples of things to put on your Fridge Checklist…  Eat lots of Fruit and Veggies … Walk, Swim, Run, or Ride a Bike 30 min… Have Sex, or Think, Read, or Write about it… Spend time in Nature, Breathe, or do Yoga. The possibilities are endless!   Motivate Yourself with “Fridge  Checklist”.

The Art of Living in the Now

The past is gone, and the future is not yet here.  The only thing that you really have is the Now.This moment, and in every moment, you have the opportunity to be fully present.  Becoming more aware, and learning how to be present in each moment will help you stay in touch with your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self.  In every moment, you have a choice to go through it mindlessly, on autopilot, or to be fully present, experiencing the Now.  

There are times when we are brought into the moment very quickly and dramatically, and we experience the Now.  A few examples that come to mind are when a baby is born, when someone dies, or even when you are driving your car mindlessly, then suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of you.  But, there are easier and more subtle ways to experience the Now in everyday Life.    

Increasing your Awareness is key to Experiencing the Now.  In Sullins Stuart’s Book “Living in Conscious Harmony: A Spiritual Guide to being in the Now,” he calls this “Intentional Awareness.”  Intentional Awareness means bringing your Awareness fully to whatever you are doing in each moment.  As you are reading this blog, are you fully present in this moment, or is your mind dwelling in the past, or projecting into the future?  Living in the Now means engaging all of your Senses in this moment, and every moment.  Right now, as you stare at your computer, use your Senses to become aware of your surroundings.  Are you sitting in a chair?  Is the chair comfortable?  Is it hard or soft?  Are you sitting with good posture, or are you straining your neck or shoulders?  If you are drinking something . . . is it hot or cold?  Is your environment warm or cool?  Are you aware of any sounds or smells around you?  As I ask you these questions, your mind will generate thoughts.  What I am suggesting is to let go of these thoughts about the Now.  Let go of judgments, analysis, and expectations about what you are experiencing, and Just Experience the Now . . . with all of your Senses.  You will become more connected to your Inner Wisdom and Sensuous Self when you experience the Now!

 Living in the Now is a worthy aspiration.  It can help us avoid ruminating about the past, or attempting to predict the future.  The only thing that is real is the Now, one moment at a time.   Practice Intentional Awareness whenever you can.  Fully engage in all of your experiences with all of your Senses, and you will gain insights about Yourself, and the Universe without really trying at all.  Each and every moment offers you a new opportunity to practice.

  “We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.”                       – Marie B. Ray  

Until next time,

Link to Sullins Stuart Book   “Living in Conscious Harmony”